Effective June 3, 2024, Thomas Struckmeyer will assume the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at ender diagnostics ag, succeeding Samuel Zürcher. With 30 years of leadership experience in the diagnostics, animal health and traceability industry, Thomas Struckmeyer brings a proven track record and a wealth of expertise to drive the next phase of growth and innovation at ender diagnostics. Samuel Zürcher will remain active as a member of the Board of Directors and will provide strategic advice to the company.
Solutions from ender diagnostics
With a focused commitment to innovation, ender develops precise and user-friendly diagnostic tools. ender diagnostics is committed to the holistic health approach “One Health”, which considers the health of humans, animals and the environment as an indivisible whole. This approach leads the way in developing sustainable solutions for today’s global health challenges.
emma: Mastitis PCR diagnostics solution
The most recent example of an innovative solution is the market launch of the new platform solution “emma”. This fast and evidence-based PCR diagnostics solution gives vets access to an effective tool for mastitis diagnostics. This means that antibiotics can be used precisely where they are really needed. The emma platform is being continuously expanded. A rapid test for hygiene control of risk parameters in the barn will be added to the range as early as fall 2024.
Image video: “emma goes BEA”: https://youtu.be/Uu0U3K1E-XI
Explanatory video on emma (in German): https://youtu.be/q8xyn7vYIdk
Website: https://pcr.emma.vet